Peter was very happy to have helped the kittens. 皮特很高兴帮助了小猫。
The hardest part is timing, I have to get each animal at the right age, so hatching eggs to coincide with kittens or puppies takes a bit of planning. 拍摄最难的是得抓准时间点,我必须挑一些年龄正好适合的动物,因此拍摄一只小猫小狗孵蛋的照片就需要多花点时间做计划。
By the way, can I have one of the kittens? 顺便问一下,我可以要一只小猫吗?
How can you have the heart to drown such a darling little kittens? 你怎能那么忍心把这支可爱的小猫淹死?
I have mixed feelings whenever I see these kittens. 每次看到小猫咪,心里都会有喜忧参半的感觉。
But it would have to wait until later& jake and his kittens were fast asleep. 但是,这番话有待以后再说了杰克和它的猫仔已经熟睡了。
Then I have four cats, Tabby and her three kittens. 所以我有四只猫了,它们是斑猫和她的三个孩子。